SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

301 Redirect

When a site is redesigned most often the page URLs change on the new site. Search engines store old page URLs until the site is completely re-indexed. 301 redirects are used to redirect old page URLs to corresponding new URLs. Setting up 301 redirects is best practice for SEO and reduces 404 page not found […]

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404 Error Message

This is the message that users receive when they land on a webpage that has been removed. Old URLs remain indexed by search engines, thus users have a chance at landing on pages that you have already removed from your website. You are able to create a custom 404 error message stating that “this page

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Alt Text

A description of an image in a website’s HTML. Search engines read the Alt text of an image because they can not “read” the image itself. Alt text is now a part of search engine optimization (SEO).

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Anchor Text

The text within which a hyperlink is embedded that is visible to the user. For example, in the string, “WebInFive is a Limassol web design firm,” the anchor text is “Limassol web design firm”.

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What Are Backlinks? Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one way links”) are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings. There

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Benchmark Reports

These reports are created at the beginning of an SEO project. Typical reports show how many unique visitors are going to a site or show rankings by keywords. The reports are then used to compare results after an SEO project is completed or after a substantial amount of time has occurred during an SEO project.

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Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is a practice against search engine guidelines, used to get a site ranking higher in search results. These unethical tactics don’t solve for the searcher and often end in a penalty from search engines. Black hat techniques include keyword stuffing, cloaking, and using private link networks. Similar Terms: Spamdexing

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Blog is short for web log. They are logs of entries on specific topics that relate to areas of expertise of the writer. They range from expressing opinions, expressing data, reviewing products or services, and more. It is a part of most websites where the company/owner of the website curates new content around areas of

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Content Marketing

Content marketing is used to increase traffic, engagement, conversion, and acquire new leads as well as increase sales. It lies at the core of most all Internet Marketing programs, especially SEO, and is often the most critical component for determining success. It is also the most easily disregarded or last to be considered when allocating

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