Drop Down Menu
When a user hovers over a menu link typically additional options that are structured under/within that section of the site drop down and give you the ability to click deeper into a website.
When a user hovers over a menu link typically additional options that are structured under/within that section of the site drop down and give you the ability to click deeper into a website.
These are like what they sound like, small areas of content that populate a web page, usually displayed in a sidebar. One of the advantages of Drupal is how easy it is to turn blocks on and off per page, rearrange them and add them to other parts of the page, besides just a sidebar.
This term refers to ones ability to move throughout the web, whether it be on a browser such as Google, or within a website itself. Navigation is important in the user’s experience. A site that is difficult to navigate will be offputting to the user.
The website navigation pertains to the menu at the top of a website. For instance the “About” section of a website might have sub-pages such as “Overview, History, and Team”. These links comprise the navigation menu for the “About” section.
A sitemap is a top level view of the website navigation and information architecture, similar to an org chart. It is used to understand the size, structure, and complexity of a website. Takeaway In order to efficiently build a website, a sitemap needs to be created as part of the Definition Phase.
This refers to how content is classified such as categories and sub-categories of content. The larger the website the greater the need for classifying content. For example, a website that has recipes will have different categories for appetizers, soups, entrees, salads etc. Takeaway The more well thought out the taxonomy is the easier it
This refers to how a user experiences the site. Usability has a substantial effect on the success of a website. A site with simple, quality and credible material has great usability, and the user will notice. Also, equally as important, many search engines look at usability when ranking websites, and they will rank your page
User experience (UX) focuses on having a deep understanding of users, what they need, what they value, their abilities, and also their limitations. It also takes into account the business goals and objectives of the group managing the project. UX best practices promote improving the quality of the user’s interaction with and perceptions of your
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A wireframe displays the content of a page as well as a preliminary display of the navigation and functionality. It is used to help define a web page. Wireframes are also an important reference doc for designers to know the contents of a page or template before starting the design. Note, while wireframes do display
This is a sitemap used by search engines to easily index a website. This is typically entered into a Google Webmaster Tools account so that Google can efficiently and more accurately index and consequently know what a site is about.