
Definition Phase

This is sometimes called a Discovery Phase and is the first phase of a website project. Action items for this phase include establishing goals, defining features, specifying functional requirements, prototyping, writing use cases, creating a sitemap and wireframes. At the end of this phase typically the sitemap, wireframes and Project Plan are signed off on.

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A sitemap is a top level view of the website navigation and information architecture, similar to an org chart. It is used to understand the size, structure, and complexity of a website.   Takeaway In order to efficiently build a website, a sitemap needs to be created as part of the Definition Phase.

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A wireframe displays the content of a page as well as a preliminary display of the navigation and functionality. It is used to help define a web page. Wireframes are also an important reference doc for designers to know the contents of a page or template before starting the design. Note, while wireframes do display

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XML Sitemap

This is a sitemap used by search engines to easily index a website. This is typically entered into a Google Webmaster Tools account so that Google can efficiently and more accurately index and consequently know what a site is about.

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