Search Engine Results Page (SERP)


This is the formula that search engines use in order to determine what your website does, the type of products/services that are available and what type of search queries that your website should be ranking for. Search Engines keep these secret from competition so that they are not able to copy them and from marketers […]

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Crawl pertains to when a search engine software reviews your website, its code, its content, etc. to index and understand how it relates to keywords.

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Internet Marketing

There are several disciplines that comprise Internet Marketing such as: SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media, Email and Search Engine Marketing. Underlying principles such as ‘inbound’ and ‘outbound’ and ‘push’ and ‘pull’ marketing form the basis for all Internet marketing.   Takeaway Understanding basic principles and which type of Internet marketing is most appropriate for your

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Organic SEO

Organic SEO is an online marketing strategy made up of smaller sub-strategies, like keyword research and link building, that help your website rank at the top of organic, unpaid search engine results pages. Also referred to as natural SEO, is a phrase referring to gaining natural placement on a search engine. This is an alternative

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Panda + Penguin Updates

These are two of the most important, if not notorious, Google updates that have occurred over the past few years. These updates have changed how websites are ranked dramatically. They have provided a better understanding though of what Google finds most important when ranking a page. This includes unique content and content that has been

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