Category: Lead Generation


A conceptual model of the process from which a user who is unaware of your company becomes a customer.

Ideal Customer Profile

A clear framework that defines an ideal customer – allowing a company to seek out the right fit in new business relationships.

Landing Page

These are pages that typically have a strong call to action (CTA) to convert anonymous users into known prospects. Landing pages are used often as part of a search marketing, advertising or email campaign.   Take Away If Google Adwords or another type of Pay Per Click campaign is being used, make sure you have …

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A contact or user that has converted on your site.

Lead Nurturing

Building ongoing relationships with potential new clients with the hopes of receiving business from them in the future when they are ready to purchase.

Marketing Qualified Lead

A lead who is more likely to become a customer compared to other leads, based on the lead’s engagement and other behavior.

Mere-Exposure Effect

In general, people tend to have more favorable opinions of things they are familiar with.

Passive Buyer

A person who isn’t currently interested in your products or services, but could be in the future. In other words, they haven’t begun the buyer’s journey.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

An internet marketing strategy by which advertisers pay the publisher (a website) when the ad is clicked. Advertisers can bid on a keyword that is relevant to their target market. PPC ads can display on the top of a SERP when a keyword matches the advertiser’s keyword list, as well as be shown on social …

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Rule of Seven

A concept in marketing that states a potential customer should come in contact with your marketing message at least seven times before they make a purchase.