Internet Marketing


This is a PPC management site for Google. Here you set up campaigns, ad copy, and bid on keywords that you’d like to run ads on. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Best practice is to develop dedicated landing pages for these campaigns.

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Affiliate Marketing

The strategy by which an organization partners with an affiliate (a separate organization or individual) to promote their product or service in the marketplace. In return, the affiliate receives payment or a product discount for acquiring new customers through their online marketing channel(s).

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This is the formula that search engines use in order to determine what your website does, the type of products/services that are available and what type of search queries that your website should be ranking for. Search Engines keep these secret from competition so that they are not able to copy them and from marketers

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Benchmark Reports

These reports are created at the beginning of an SEO project. Typical reports show how many unique visitors are going to a site or show rankings by keywords. The reports are then used to compare results after an SEO project is completed or after a substantial amount of time has occurred during an SEO project.

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Blog is short for web log. They are logs of entries on specific topics that relate to areas of expertise of the writer. They range from expressing opinions, expressing data, reviewing products or services, and more. It is a part of most websites where the company/owner of the website curates new content around areas of

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Buyer Persona

Buyer Persona is a description of your ideal customer base that is derived from market research and real data on your current customers. If you offer more than one product or service it is typical to have more than one persona. When creating a buyer persona take into account demographics, behavior patterns, goals, motivations, education

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