Google Search Console

Google Analytics

Google allows you to track website’s performance on many different areas by adding code onto the pages on your website. Data that is tracked could be page views, pages per session, organic traffic, referral traffic, individual page data and a lot more.

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Google Search Console

Formerly known as “Google’s Webmaster Tools”. Google offers these tools to fix errors on websites and improve search engine rankings. One of the most common use of these tools is to add a XML sitemap to a company’s account so that the site is more regularly and accurately indexed by Google.

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Internet Marketing

There are several disciplines that comprise Internet Marketing such as: SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media, Email and Search Engine Marketing. Underlying principles such as ‘inbound’ and ‘outbound’ and ‘push’ and ‘pull’ marketing form the basis for all Internet marketing.   Takeaway Understanding basic principles and which type of Internet marketing is most appropriate for your

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