Contextual Marketing

Inbound Marketing

Inbound brings visitors/consumers into a website/brand rather than having to go out and search for potential customers. This is accomplished many different ways through SEO, blogging, social media, email marketing, etc. Focus on creating high-quality content for visitor consumption. Quality content will not only rank your website higher in search engines but they will also

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Internet Marketing

There are several disciplines that comprise Internet Marketing such as: SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media, Email and Search Engine Marketing. Underlying principles such as ‘inbound’ and ‘outbound’ and ‘push’ and ‘pull’ marketing form the basis for all Internet marketing.   Takeaway Understanding basic principles and which type of Internet marketing is most appropriate for your

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Lead Generation

This is the process of creating interest in a product or service. Internet marketing techniques include using Calls to Action (CTAs) to convert anonymous users into known prospects.   Takeaway If your site is used for marketing purposes, take the time to understand how you can be using it to generate leads.

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Link Building

The process of obtaining backlinks from relevant websites while also linking out to relevant sites. This area has evolved and no longer is it the person that has the most links considered the best link builder. The quality of the links matter more than ever. The first step is developing quality content that in turn

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